Ibrahim Jibreen - Surat Al-Qalam سورة القلم

A beautiful recitation of Surat Al-Qalam by the Qari Ibrahim Jibreen Al-Jibreen. NOTE: The pictures in the video have nothing to do with the ayat that are being read. They are just so there can be something with the audio and so you can see the beautiful creations of Allah. Check out my channel for more Ibrahim Al-Jibreen recitations. Subscribe of you want to know when i upload a new video.


المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

دعاء ليلة 27 رمضان 2006 الشيخ عبدالرحمن السديس

مسالك الشيطان للشيخ أسامة عبد العظيم 6-8